Just a quick little note on how much I despise: MEDROXYPROGESTRONE.
What is medroxyprogesterone? (you ask)
Medroxyprogesterone is a progestin (a form of progesterone), a female hormone that helps regulate ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary) and menstrual periods.
Medroxyprogesterone is used to treat conditions such as absent or irregular menstrual periods, or abnormal uterine bleeding. It is also used to decrease the risk of endometrial hyperplasia (a condition that may lead to uterine cancer) while taking estrogens.Medroxyprogesterone is also used to prevent overgrowth in the lining of the uterus in postmenopausal women who are receiving estrogen hormone replacement therapy.
So yeah, that is what that is. I told you last time the doctor said if I hadn't started a period by cycle day 35 to give them a call and they would send these little horrors to the pharmacy for pickup.
Well - a few days before day 35 I started getting some spotting! ON MY OWN! Is it weird that I was so damn excited? It's my life and my blog so no, not weird!
I called the doctor and the nurse said that while that awesome - it didn't count. What?! My body is trying to work .... get a little more excited, lady!
So despite some spotting nothing truly happened so day 35 I called and picked up the mini pills.
The next day Aunt Flo showed up full force completely showing off the fact that I needed the meds. So rude.
Now to the part about why I hate this medicine.
It makes me CRAZY!!!!!
I have been a mess the last 4 days! Short tempered, emotional, hot flashy, so sleepy, nauseous, I mean you name it....
I really believe my body was producing some of that hormone already just not quite enough - and the pills brought on a little more than actually needed. Bringing on my past four days of insane.
I mean I've never been depressed but if I could imagine what it felt like this would be it!
My poor husband. I am so thankful for his patience with me because honestly he's probably thinking he should be on the show Who the Bleep Did I Marry.... not kidding.
SO since I am having a cycle we have scheduled my HSG (Hysterosalpingogram)test for Friday morning! I'm really looking forward to this. It will at least be an answer. Do I have blockage, no blockage, etc. and I get to watch the dye flow through my tubes and things on the screen and I can't wait to check that out... I know, weird, but so cool ;)
I will update everyone on how the test goes and let you know if anything else comes up as far a plans with the doctor. I think unless we find something crazy Friday the plan is still Clomid with an IUI in December :)
Eeeeeeek! Praying that 2014 is our year! (and um, can anyone else believe this year is pretty much over?!) WOW!
Sending best wishes and love to all my girls!
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