Sunday, November 3, 2013

My FAV things at the moment :)

So I got this ecard from a friend and had to act like I was 100% on board with it. While I heavily agree - I'm almost tired of pretending I'm ok with not having our mini Stell....but I mean, Heidi really is awesome. Probably a shade or two past awesome!
I mean who wouldn't want to cuddle with these two....who needs a baby?! Honestly.....

We do??


....and I'm pretty sure even though our dog is awesome WHEN we DO have our gorgeous little Claire, she will look a little like this. ( at least we hope) CUUUUUUTE!!!
We have issues. Seriously.

until then we have this precious little gem. I feel like even when a mini Stell arrives this little beauty will always have our hearts. She is our first baby. She is wonderful and really probably half the reason James stays with me ;) Kidding....I think.
I am ALSO loving that they put the forms up on our lot! Yes, building our dream house has been a little crazy but would we really know how to handle anything besides crazy? Probably not. I know this isn't much to look at but to us it's simply AMAZING!!!! 1.98 acres to do WHATEVER we want with. I just picture a lot of quiet patio time with a glass of wine OR tons of room for our little one to run around...both scenarios are going to be pretty wonderful.
So goodnight, friends!
Enjoy YOUR favs!

the Stells


  1. Good luck with your new doctor I was searching up on clomid and came across your page, I'm actually on "round 2" with clomid.. I found a new doctor in Houston and starting this whole process all over again starting with 50mcg of clomid. Anyways good luck to you and your hubby!!

    1. I hope round 2 goes smoothly for you! Really feeling comfortable with your doctor is half the battle! Hope you got that "this is the one" when you met your doctor like we did! Sending a prayer for this round! XO

  2. thanks so much!! omg dont think im a stalker or anything but i actually just created this blog yesterday lol but i just read your blog about medroxypr.... (progesterone pill) im currently taking them too the only side effect im having are the hot flashes lol , any who just thought to share with you that my best friend did the 100mcg of clomid with the iui and now shes 6 months preggo with a baby girl, i hope this is the one for you too!!.. take care!!!

    1. you are so blessed to not have the awful side effects. yesterday was the first day I felt like myself! so weird!
      love success stories. gives me so much hope! another reason why we are all blessed with friends. need to hear some positive in kind of not so positive times ;)
      can't wait to hear your miracle story!!!
