Sunday, April 28, 2013

"C" is for Clomid

I am so excited to be able to write this post so soon!
I was planning on waiting to see the outcome of my Clomid experience then share. That outcome being either:
 A) we got a positive pregnancy test (eeeek!) 
 B) my period started (oh my gosh!)  
oooor (what I really thought was going to happen) NOTHING was going to come of the cycle and I would never get to write about my opinion on Clomid....well to my surprise - a super happy surprise - the correct choice is B!
Yes, I know it is odd that I am SO excited to have started a period when the end all result we want is outcome A but there is something to be said for the relief that my body FINALLY did something it was supposed to in the time frame it was supposed to! I am actually in a small state of disbelief! I also had a few reservations about getting pregnant the first round of Clomid after all the oddness my body has been going through. I've heard that quite a few first pregnancies end with a miscarriage or some type of complication. While most of my friends have perfectly normal pregnancies and it may sound like I'm being paranoid - I want to try to get some type of normalcy going in this weirdo body so we can give our mini Stell as much of a chance as we can :)
So, Yay! Aunt Flo is here and I am (in crazy crampy pain) a totally happy, girl! Like dance around the house loaded with Midol and loving every minute of it kind of happy. SO WEIRD!
So here is a little rundown of my Clomid cycle: it will be quick since I've spent way too much time typing an ode to a menstrual cycle. Wow.
Here we go:
My doctor gave me my first round of Clomid (50mg) and said since I had not had a period since January to just start it the next day instead of waiting for my period and starting the pill on day 3. That is the normal way to take it and we all know I'm not normal ;)
She said to come back in two weeks and would do a transvaginal ultrasound (like the one we did that showed my PCOS). This time we would look at my ovaries and see if any follicles were stimulated and to really just see if I responded at all to the drug. She told me that she didn't expect to see much of result and to not really expect much. I was ok with that and felt hopeful this would kick my body into gear. I was a Clomid fan already and I had no idea why. I'm a freak. LOL!
So I made my next appointment and started the pill the next day expecting all kinds of terrible symptoms to occur - remember Metformin?! Well I am happy to report that I had no symptoms except for a few crazy nightmares, a few little hot flashes, and lots of random discharge.
Not bad, right?
Here is where I learned a very expensive lesson: PCOS messes with ovulation kits. Yeah - they don't work. What is that about?! I already have to deal with crazy cycles - now even all the money in the world can't help me do one normal thing? (I don't have all the money in the world - but you would think so judging by how many test and kits I buy) Stupid.
So needless to say I was getting a little down on Clomid. It obviously hadn't worked bc none of the ovulation kits came back positive and that was crap to me. So mad! Was I ever going to be normal again?! For the love - can I just be normal?!
Went to my two week ultrasound appt already prepared for the worst. Said a small prayer before getting out of the car and told God that I was totally ok with His plan and whatever He wanted to happen with this appt and my body I was ok with and that I knew it was in His time. BUT I hadn't ovulated - had no symptoms..hello - she was going to say Lauren, I warned you and I would say yes, I know but I'm crazy and an eternal optimist. So with these couple of convos running in my head I eventually ended up on the table with a wand you know where. Deep breath!
INSTEAD...she gave me the craziest news! I had 3 very healthy and beautiful (her words) follicles that looked 2 to 3 days away from ovulatoin. Holy crap, what?! She said if anything the Clomid had worked too well and I was a bit overstimulated. If James and I had any reservations about multiples we shouldn't try this cycle for mini Stell. I was shaking and trying to hold back tears. I don't think I have ever been filled with that much hope. God made sure I knew He had a plan! Apparently an over stimulated plan, but a plan. I got in my car, cried, called and texted my nearest and dearest...did the random vague facebook post and just basked in my amazing news!
What a great day!
Sooo before I learned my lesson about crap ovulation tests I took multple tests multiples times for the next week. What happened to 2 to 3 days?! I called the office so upset and said that I was SURE what the doctor had seen were cysts - bc google said so.  She told me that the only true way to tell about ovulation in PCOS patients was to do temperature charting. Ugh...I had been avoiding that. She also banned me from google. Lame.
Ok - wrapping this up. Two days later I ovulated. WORST PAIN EVER! I mean that might be a little dramatic but you have to remember I hadn't ovulated in years and  I have no pain tolerance. Anyway it happened. Of course James and I talk a big game and decided we would love multiples and we had sex appropriately timed for the next week. I think he felt slightly used poor sweet guy...
I had my first legit "two week wait".
James super confident we had a mini Stell.
Me super hopeful for at least a period to happen.
So now is the end of Clomid cycle 1.
While we are not pregnant - I am so so so happy that my period started. I haven't been this happy about a period in years... you know when you have those Thank God I'm not pregnant! moments? Yeah, those. but WAY happier :)
Round 2 starts Tuesday! Yay! Maybe this cycle will bring even more to be excited about!
Fingers crossed!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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