Monday, April 22, 2013

A little studio named Gloss...

Yet another long hiatus!
What's a girl to do? Life doesn't slow down even when you make a conscious effort to make it. Also - opening a salon doesn't really help!
Yes, it has been almost (basically days away) a YEAR since James and I with the help of my parents opened Gloss Hair Studio.
I am in love with the space. It makes me smile and so so proud of us. It isn't all sunshine and daisies BUT the good outweighs the bad by comparison.
I think I can give credit to the salon's first year of wonderfulness to:
 A) James - he keeps all of our finances in order. Keeps me on a budget. Tells me how great I am and how proud of me is. Just basically keeps me together :) Love him.
B) My mom and dad - They gave us the money to open the salon and since we didn't have to go through a bank the stress of paying back before we were on our feet wasn't an issue. My dad is super handy and is there as soon as we need him. Leaky faucet, pipes, things to be hung, this and that to be fixed. Yes, he is such a blessing to the salon. Not sure what kind of craziness we have averted bc of his help. Love him.
C) The girls of Gloss - what can I say. I knew what I wanted when we opened the salon. A group of girls that I could trust, did great hair, and that I could stand to be around 5 days a week in a 1750 sq ft. space. As with any group of girls - moods happen, bad days occur, we just get annoyed. BUT my awesome group of girls feels more like a group of friends that get mad, get glad, get over it! I am so proud of each girl. So proud that they work with me. So proud that care about Gloss like I do. Life is good with my girls. Love them.
D) All of the wonderful friends and clients that keep lifting Gloss up and making it even more fabulous. Oh my gosh. I am so so so humbled by the support from the community. We have felt so at home in Summerwood. It is amazing.  Also, I want to give a BIG shout out to my very best promoter Brenda Parks. I love her to the moon and back. She has been one of my biggest cheerleaders from day 1. Well even before. She pushed me long before the idea of Gloss even came into being. "I know you could do it" "You should totally open a salon"....just words at the time that were a seed. That seed grew into major confidence and with the help of friends, family, and clients Gloss is in full effect! Love them all.
So enough of this... It's kind of sappy ;)
Picture time!



So there you have it. 
A little peek of what my year has been devoted to.
Wouldn't have it any other way!
Thanks to all of my friends, family, clients, and the community a million times over for all of the love and support. It means the world!
Stay Glossy!

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