Sunday, December 12, 2010

Not so bloggable...

I think that would describe my life lately...

Busy does not always equal bloggable.

So, I started Weight Watchers. I suck at it. Steph says I started at a really bad BAD time. I think she's right. I can't help it that I am such an on impulse kinda gal though. The idea popped and my head and two minutes later BAM signed up. In my head I was on my way to my goal and I was going to get there quick fast and in a hurry...not so much. Everyone is asking why I wanted to start the program - I think that is silly. Why does anyone want to start a weight loss lose weight maybe? I have mastered the art of layering clothes and making double sure not to wear anything that results in rollage. Underneath this artful covering - there is some risky business happening - esp. with our wedding year coming up. Yeah. Wedding year. It's serious. Anyway - I have 10 lbs to lose. I will not accept losing 10lbs of water weight. I want 10 lbs GONE and in its place nice toned arms and a half decent tummy. A girl can dream ;) Let me tell you how WW has gone so far....I go over my points. Every single day. I  bet I went over at least 10 pts. Saturday night. Lets not get into today. Geez. I think they should have like WW for the work week - like give so many pts. that splurging sat and sunday is totally ok and encouraged. Hmmmmm......
I plan on getting better - the candy in the house is almost gone (not from Halloween, don't get crazy - I bought some Christmas candy) anyway - we've gone through most of that so I see an easier road ahead. Boot camp starts January 10th. Im super amped about, boot camp, and WW combined is going to be March (our engagment pics) little late I know but my photographer said the light is great in march??? anyway by March I hope to be at least be 5 non water weight lbs lighter. Fingers crossed!!!!

Ok - enough rambling.
This weekend was fun....Saturday night J and I went out to eat and then went to Home Depot and Hobby Lobby to get stuff to finish my wooden Christmas tree my Dad made for us. Yes, he rocks. We have a tradition at Mom and Dads - every year we take a picture with Santa. This is no ordinary Santa. He is our personal super special Santa. Dad made him. Lynsey and I kinda helped. We were like 4&7 so not really. He cut him out of plywood and painted him from head to toe. I remember watching him thinking that he was the coolest Dad around and the was the most talented man in town (that so rhymed!) yeah sooooo here he is (Santa, not my Dad) :) Awesome right?!

anway - this year at Thanksgiving I mentioned to Dad that I would love to have something for our house kinda of like Santa. I came up with the christmas tree idea and drew out a plan for him. He laughed it off and said maybe for next christmas - well since my Dad is so freakin' awesome who has a tree for THIS Christmas?? ME and JAMES! James had to drop my parents off at that airport Saturday morning and my tree was delivered! So cool! Dad said we had to finish it though since it was going to become one of our traditions. I'm ok with that. Can't wait to post the results. Don't worry I will post a complete before and after deal. Wouldn't want you to be disappointed ;)

Super excited about this week - Tomorrow mani/pedi Tuesday girls dinner and this weeekend is full of fun parties with friends that I miss a lot since we are all growing up and have adult lives and more nightly bar hops. sigh. anyway looking forward to the week!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend - and has an even better week!



Monday, December 6, 2010

"D" is for disappointment!

Which is also a great word to sum up my weekend.

Ok, I'm being dramatic. It wasn't toooo bad.
Just a lot of busy, not a lot of sleep. and what I was awake for - not worth the loss of sleep.

We had our salon Christmas party. We've had better.
that's all I really need to say about that. Lame.

Had some peeps over after the party - so my night got better. James, Steph, and Lauren N. are pretty much amazing at beer pong - I tried but I could feel a creepy cold coming on so I brought my butt back in the casa where there was a lot of DefJam Rapstar & Just Dance to take my mind off of that was the longest sentence ever. I'm not going to fix it. Yep, not caring.

Sunday woke up with no voice, sicky stomach, and a boyfriend with nasty breath.

That afternoon we met with Karla and some friends for her birthday in Katy. While it was fun hanging out my stomach was feeling a little not normal compliments of the jager from the night before.

Because of this lunch (Karla this is NOT your fault) I threw up three times Sunday night - have you ever hacked up chicken wings?! ugh.....never again.

So - While this first exciting holiday weekend wasn't the best I have high hopes for the next few weekends. No chicken wings, No jager, and um no work parties. Lookin' hopeful people!

Wednesday I have a another appointment with my dermatologist. I'm going to have to have a serious talk with her. I've been totally trusting and putting all my faith in what she recommends - but I'm almost over her. My face is peeeeeeeling off. I get that it does that at first but this is like month 3 of horrible flaky ugly skin. I see no improvement. Just bad bad bad skin. I know the wedding isn't until Sept. but hellllo my pictures are coming up soon for our save the dates and um yeah - I don't think she can photo shop flakiness people. So I will let you know how that goes. I'm not good at asking questions when I need to soooo this may just end with me in tears begging her to fix my face, pleeeease!

Again with the dramatics. I just need some nyquil and wine. and a hug from my man...

So please everyone pray this sickness goes away, my appointment book at work gets filled, and I win the lottery..twice.

oh & that my dermi fixes my face.



Thursday, December 2, 2010

Busy, Busy & Busier...

Oooooh my goodness...even with James and I saying that we are keeping Christmas small this year - it's looking very overwhelming - while my bank account is well, underwhelming. I have sooo many great ideas about what I should could or would get people but this same thought keeps running through my head..."wedding wedding save for wedding"! Gross!! So I think I am just going to come to terms with the fact that this year isn't going to be about how many gifts we have under the tree - but about how great the wrapping paper coordinates on all three - maybe four gifts ;) Yes, I'm neurotic about matching my tree with my wrapping paper. That reminds me of a convo James and I had the other day....

So growing up our family tree was a big mish mosh of memories, crafts, all kinds of crazy ornaments. NO THEME - gasp! Every year though I remember looking at our tree thinking it was the most gorgeous twinkling crafty family tree EVER! but - now that I'm older and tree is very themed and very matchy matchy (besides the ornament we try to get from every place we or my parents visit) (NYC is our newest addition!)I get nervous about how I'm going to be when my child wants to add his/her personal touch. Im gonna freak. James doesn't think so - he says we are going to think every addition our child makes will be our new favorite ornament. I think not. I think they are going to have their own kid tree in the den. James says we'll see. Makes me nervous, just sayin'...
Here are a few pre Christmas pics to get you in the spirit - wooohoooo!

Moving on.....

James and his friends at work went in together to put their names in for the Devon suite at the Texans game last Sunday (yes, I saw the fight) (yes, very entertaining) but what I loved best about this was I drank allll the beer I wanted and alllll the cracker jacks I could get my hands on. The food - not so great so thank the good Lord there were cracker jacks. Those make me super happy - like WOAH happy.
We did the whole tailgating thing - that was ok. I was more interested in the yummy donuts J got us. Sooo we get there and James' intern is like the cousin of a cousin of a cousin (you know the drill) of someone who manages or works with or whatever with someone from the Texans sooo we got to go down to the sidelines pre game! It was pretty much awesome. It took me back to my cheerleading days real quick like. So cool! Not that I am the biggest sports fan - but that made it a bit more interesting...and maybe the fight helped me love football just a bit more as well :) I will say though that having awesome seats, free beer, and time with my super handsome boyfriend make for a pretty great Texas game experience. Couldn't really go wrong. Oh! and they won...bc we were there. Duh.

Below pictures were supposed to be at top....but since I am no bueno with the blogging they ended up down here.  Either way, Happy Holidays!!

Merry early Christmas from Lauren, Heidi, and James

p.s. is anyone else getting a little nervous about making allll the events you are being invited to via Facebook?! I swear I don't have that many's going to be a busy December - deeeep breath!